Secrets to Better Golf Video Tip

Questions you ask on the golf course suck! Ask these instead - Question 3

Would you talk to someone else the way you talk to yourself on the golf course? Chances are, the answer to this question is no. Unfortunately, most people talk to themselves on a golf course in a horrendous manner.

The key to improving your self-talk is improving the questions you are asking yourself.

Currently, you may be asking, what's wrong with me? What's wrong with my swing? Why can't I be more consistent? If you ask these types of questions, you will get some terrible answers.

If you want to improve your golf, improve the quality of your questions.

If you would like more information on how to do this, check out my video series;

The questions you ask on the golf course suck! Ask these instead.


Click the video below to watch Question 3.

G'day sports fans! Paul Williamson is back here with number three in my series of, "Why your questions suck? And what you should be asking yourself to shoot lower scores instead."

Number three, "What's my plan?" Okay, so we've gone through a few things here beforehand. We've said, "Where I don't want to go?" And then, "Where do I want to go" And then we've gone, "What's going to happen after I hit this shot?" So, you're factoring in the wind and the ground and all the elements. Great! Now we're going to make a plan.

There are three different questions in my planning phase of a shot. But this is the first one. The first one will be, "What's my target area?" I'm going to dive into this a little bit. We'll go into some of the others in a minute. "But what is my target area?" Not, "Where do I want to aim?" They're two different things because if I've read the shot well, maybe I want to say "I want to land at the front left part of green because I've already worked out where I don't want to go, and that's where I do want to go." Then I've gone, "Oh okay? I've read the shot. But the wind is blowing big time right to left. I don't want to aim at the front left part of the green anymore. I might need to aim at the middle of the green to allow for the wind to come over and get the ball to finish where I want it to finish."

So that is the first step there is. "What is my target area?" And then the next question is, "Where am I going to aim to get the ball to finish there?" This is all guesswork, but the better that you can ask these questions, the better answers you will get, the better off your golf game is going to be. See you in the next one!

